Saturn Transit 2020: On Which Will Saturn's Half Year and Over Which Will End ?
24 जनवरी 2020 को शनि ढाई साल के बाद राशि बदलने जा रहे हैं। शनि 24 जनवरी को धनु राशि से मकर राशि में प्रवेश करेंगे। ज्योतिषशास्त्र के अनुसार शनि के एक राशि से दूसरी में जाने से लोगों के जीवन पर बहुत व्यापक प्रभाव पड़ता है। शनि एक राशि में करीब ढाई साल तक भ्रमण करते हैं। शनि के राशि बदलने से कई राशियों पर इसका सकारात्मक और नकारात्मक दोनों तरह का असर होता है। शनि के राशि परिवर्तन से कुछ राशियों पर साढ़ेसाती शुरू हो जाती है तो वहीं कुछ की खत्म भी हो जाती है। आइए जानते है शनि के मकर राशि में गोचर होने से किस राशि पर साढ़ेसाती लगेगा और किससे उतरेगी।
On 24 January 2020, Saturn is going to change the zodiac after two and a half years. Saturn will enter Capricorn from Sagittarius on January 24. According to astrology, Saturn going from one zodiac to another has a very wide impact on people's lives. Shani travels in a zodiac for about two and a half years. Changing the zodiac sign of Saturn has its positive and negative effects on many zodiac signs. When Saturn changes its zodiac sign, some zodiac signs are started, then some of them also end. Come, know that due to Saturn's transit in Capricorn, on which zodiac sign it will be half-and-half and from whom it will descend.
On 24 January 2020, Saturn is going to change the zodiac after two and a half years. Saturn will enter Capricorn from Sagittarius on January 24. According to astrology, Saturn going from one zodiac to another has a very wide impact on people's lives. Shani travels in a zodiac for about two and a half years. Changing the zodiac sign of Saturn has its positive and negative effects on many zodiac signs. When Saturn changes its zodiac sign, some zodiac signs are started, then some of them also end. Come, know that due to Saturn's transit in Capricorn, on which zodiac sign it will be half-and-half and from whom it will descend.
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